Board 2024-I

Heyy, my name is Allegra.

I am a 3rd year student and also the Chair of SQ. My nationality is Italian, but I grew up in Switzerland. You will always see me around talking to everyone so don't hesitate coming up to me for a chat!

Talk to you soon!

Allegra Foti

Hey guys!

I am Victoria, the Vice Chair of Senti Questo.

When I am not busy, you can find me sipping on a coffee in the schools bar, always on the look out for the next great book and restaurant recommendations. So, if you have any of those, nice event ideas, or just need someone to talk to feel free to come up to me!

Victoria Hirner


My name is Jan (a.k.a. Juan), a 23 year tall Dutch guy who will be doing the money and people tasks.

In the daily life I like to learn languages (I am learning Italian now), and cooking traditional food from different countries.
So, if you have a dish that I should try to make hit me up.


Jan van der Meij
Treasurer and Head of Members


Hey guys!,

So I am the person behind the camera, so if you see me with it, make sure to smile :)

I am a 20 year old Dutchie. I grew up in a village close to Nijmegen.

I like going to concerts or you’ll see me sipping on a nice cup of tea.

I’ll see you soon!!

Public Relations